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Save Money and Lower Energy Usage With Energy Efficient Air Con

Energy Ratings

How to choose

Energy efficient air conditioner systems are designed so that they use less energy to get to the desired temperature more effectively. This reduces the amount of energy consumed which is then reflected as savings on your energy bill.

Having an energy efficient air conditioner unit not only reduces your energy consumption and saves you money, but it’s better for the environment! Using less energy means minimising the misuse of natural resources such as gas, oil, coal and water.

In fact some States in Australia offer incentives to encourage households to make the switch to or install energy efficient air conditioners and appliances.

Note: Eligibility will vary per incentive and program

State Program Incentive
ACT ActewAGL Heating and cooling upgrade program/td>

Rebates up to $5000 to ACT residents to upgrade old inefficient appliances to new energy-efficient appliances
QLD Energex or Ergon – PeakSmart air conditioning program Incentives up to $400 for purchasing & installing a PeakSmart air conditioner or converting an existing air conditioner to PeakSmart
VIC Victorian Energy Upgrades program Provides discounts and special offers on selected energy-saving products and services including air con


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Daikin Panasonic Mitsubishi LG Fujitsu Samsung Kelvinator